
3/17: What makes an Ad interesting?

One of the most interesting things to me in the field of marketing is the difference between an ad that can play in the background without pulling any attention, and the ads that immediately pull everyone’s attention. You may have noticed this at a Superbowl party or even watching a show that has commercials with your family. There always seem to be the un-interesting, “whatever” ads that just play as a break from the program to check your phone and grab a snack. Then there are the ads that seem to quiet the room, captivate the audience, and leave a lasting impression. This has been seen through VW bug, Coca Cola, Apple, Budweiser, McDonalds, Old Spice, and countless other remarkable advertisements that have created legendary brands. There have also been moments such as the Pepsi Kendall Jenner Ad that have left a resounding poor taste in people’s mouths. To further evaluate this, we must understand what is happening culturally, sociologically and investigate these trends to understand where people are at today then investigate what certain companies are doing, the reactions to their efforts and try and try to get a sense of what seems to be working and what’s not, even if it doesn’t attract the attention Jenner’s Pepsi ad got.

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