To better explain how I set my weeks out, every Sunday is important for my week. Each Sunday I update the 4 separate documents that I keep on my notes. I’m a pretty ADHD person so when my mind drifts, or I get caught up in activities that aren’t working towards my goals, these documents are essential to gather my energy towards what is important.
The first document is my overall mission, goals, and values. My goals are long-term and focused on career, self-sufficiency/finances, and mental, physical, spiritual and relationship health. From my goals document, I have subsections with the larger objectives that it will take to reach these goals.
The next document is my weekly to-do list, upon which I break my larger objectives into weekly tactics that, over time, will accomplish these goals.
From there, I have another document where I keep my weekly schedule to plan these smaller tactics to ensure I have a specific time and day that these will be completed. Nothing feels better than crossing these tactics a piece off at a time since you know you are much closer to your bigger goal.
The last document I keep is my routine, diet, and week split document, where I store my morning and night routine, diet, and supplements, and plan my week split to ensure I hit all the different muscle groups. This system keeps me grounded, and focused and when I worry, I’m not doing enough or on track, my system is there to remind me of where I am and what else needs to get done.
The only downside to this system is that sometimes I spend too much time planning and not enough time doing. I am constantly trying to remind myself of “action, not motion,” and I even get the most done when I look at my planner once a day and go. This is done most efficiently when I set priorities in the morning and come back to the list at the end of the day, rather than spending unnecessary time planning.
Overall this system has improved my life in the following ways…
- I have gained a sense of control over where I am and where I am going.
- I am not late for anything.
- I have prepared for any said meeting or event and know the necessary outcomes to stay on track.
- When I feel lost the system serves as a “grounder”.
- My system and goals guide me when I am having difficulty with a decision.
- I am able to prioritize my week and daily decisions around my long term goals.
- I am able to celebrate small wins along the way as I know when I have accomplished specified objectives.