
3/23: Super Bowl Ad Winners

The most popular ads from the Super Bowl this year were Dunkin Donets Ben Affleck, the Farmer’s Dog: Forever, Amazons: Saving Sawyer, Pop Corners Breaking Bad, and General Motors Will Farrell ad. Dunkin Donuts, Pop Corners, and General Motors all tapped into a widely recognizable face along with humor to reach their audience. A possible “interesting factor” here is the recognition of these famous figures. If those ads had your everyday person scripted in, they would be far less humorous. The Farmer’s Dog and Amazon both tapped into family, love, and animals to hit a soft spot with their audience. As I noted in an earlier blog, the United States is in a bit of a crisis state with the economy, housing, grappling with a largely changed work environment from the pandemic, along with people feeling decreased motivation and pursuit in their own lives. The 2023 GWI consumer report also noted that consumers have seen an increase in opinions of how important family is after the COVID lockdowns. It seems during times of crisis that advertising to family, love, and what is important in life seems to resonate with many. I believe that is what we experienced with these ads and the data has backed that up, showing these ads as the most successful from the 2023 Super Bowl.

To summarize…

  1. Recognition and humor go a long way.
  2. During times of crisis advertise family and love, not materialism or commercialism.

To watch the commercials or learn more, visit https://rockcontent.com/blog/best-super-bowl-ads/.

My Personal Favorites