
8/20: SEO Strategy & KPIs

A fresh SEO strategy should depend on several factors such as … 

  • How established your business is online 
  • What resources you have at your disposal
  • What industry you’re in 


How established your business is online relates directly to your website’s authority. If you recall from my previous blog, authority directly affects ranking strength on search results (https://ryeoverly.com/8-6-why-seo/). Measuring authority comes down to link volume and quality. Backlinks, or inbound links, are a key indicator of a website’s SEO authority and includes all the sites currently linked to your own. The more quality and quantity of the unique domains linked, the better your authority will be. You can measure your backlink profile through platforms such as SEMRush or Moz, and use your standing as a foundation for where your SEO strategy should begin and continue to track your authority as you evolve. 


Aside from authority, other key performance indicators, or KPIs, to track would be… 

  • Organic traffic 
  • Keyword ranking 
  • Conversion rate 
  • Bounce rate 
  • Page load time 


To track these metrics utilize Google Search Console to check your search performance and rank for a keyword or specific page and Google Analytics to track organic traffic, bounce rate, or page load time. Set SMART goals and remember that what gets measured gets managed, but most of all know that SEO is an iterative process and rankings will fluctuate. 

To learn more about keyword research, visit https://ryeoverly.com/rye-overly-seo/  or check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YzOGD8D8Qo.

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